Latest Episodes

A Summary of Why Scientific Evidence Makes Evolution Impossible - 1513
Over the last twelve programs, Dr. Ashton has been explaining why scientific evidence makes evolution impossible. Today, Dr. Ashton will summarise the evidence before...

Is There Such a Thing As An Intervening God? - 1512
In this episode, Dr. Ashton is going to explore evidence for the existence of an intervening God.

Are There any Scientists that Believe in Creation? - 1511
In today's episode, Dr. Ashton is going to review the work of a number of scientists who believe in creation.

How Accurate is Carbon 14 Dating? - 1510
In this episode, Dr. Ashton will address briefly the accuracy of Carbon 14 dating before outlining problems with the Big-Bang model.

Is There a Problem With Radiometric Dating? - 1509
This episodes examines erosion rates, sedimentation rates and other evidence in conflict with radiometric dating ages. We’ll also begin to discuss problems with radiometric...

Is There Any Historical Evidence For a Worldwide Flood? - 1508
This episode examines the historical evidence for a worldwide flood.